Aacute Pest Control Company Kingston, Massachusetts



Get a free Wood-Moisture Test with an inspection.

Wood moisture causes many Wood Destroying Insects including Carpenter Ants & Termites!


See our Inspection Pictures Tour!


How would you do as a Pest Inspector?

Go through a series of real pictures we've taken at jobs so you can get an idea of what things we check. 

The series of pictures takes a few minutes to go through them all.





  • Let us identify the pest (s).

Be sure, why guess? One of our experienced people will tell you for sure what pest it is, and to what extent.

  • All of our Inspectors have over 20 years experience. - Not salespeople!

  • Get specific information.

Any encyclopedia can give you general information, we'll be able to tell you how the pest can affect your situation, i.e. damage, hazards to people, etc.. This information will be specific to you and your situation.

  • Expert Solutions.

After examining the situation we'll tell you what your options are. We'll help you pick the best option. Then you decide.

  • For non-Real Estate transactions it's FREE.

  • Compare.

Were you thinking about using someone else? Let us show you why choosing Aacute Pest Control is a Great Idea.


We have passed screening by Service Magic.

See some of the bugs we often find in homes.

Call us to schedule your inspection.

Contact Page - Call us right now and get this problem solved.


Start the Inspection Picture Tour.


Our mission is to determine if the customer has a pest problem and if so the exact details of the customer's pest problem so that we can best conclude what we can do for the customer to eliminate the pest problem with consideration of all of the customers needs.


Aacute Pest Control Copyright all pictures and content.