Aacute Pest Control Company Kingston, Massachusetts



Various Bug Pictures

Photos of various pest bugs you may find in your house. These pest pictures are for you to compare your bug to. Click on the pest photo to see the large high quality pest pictures.

Western Conifer Seed Bug

Picture of a

Western Conifer Seed Bug

Get more info


Steel Blue Cricket Hunter

Picture of a

Steel Blue Cricket Hunter

These are a burrowing Wasp that kill green crickets and take them home to the young.

Long-bodied Cellar Spider

Picture of a

Long-bodied Cellar Spider.

Having many spiders usually means you have other bugs since that's what spiders eat.

Long bodied Cellar Spider

Picture of a

Long-bodied Cellar Spider

Named for where we see them most. Attics are another favorite place.


Cellar Spider

Picture of a

Cellar Spider

If you have a large population you'll start to see them inside your living areas.


Jumping Spider

Picture of a


Jumping Spider

(this is one of many types of Jumping Spiders)

Ground Spider

Picture of a

Ground Spider

(one of many types)

Spider spinning a web

Picture of a

Spider spinning a web.

Termites in wood close-up

Picture of

Termites in wood close-up.

Termites damage wood real fast because there is so many of them. Since they damage the wood from the inside you won't see them.

More information about Termites.

Termite workers eating wood

Picture of

Termite workers eating wood.

More Information on Termites.


Baby Spiders

Picture of

Baby Spiders.



Picture of a


Wood Roach

Picture of a

Wood Roach

If you have a lot of trees you are more likely to get these.

Field Cricket

Picture of a

Field Cricket

Cricket with obvious ovipositor

Picture of a

Cricket with obvious ovipositor

That's the long pointy thing on the back that looks like a stinger.



They are associated with wet areas and basements.

Cricket at Night

Picture of a

Cricket at Night.

Crickets prefer to come out at night to lessen the chances of being eaten.

Pharaoh's Ant

Picture of a

Pharaoh's Ant

Pharaoh ants are really tiny.


Picture of a


Green Bottle Fly

Picture of a

Green Bottle Fly.

wood-boring beetle

Picture of

the adult stage of a wood-boring beetle

There are many kinds of beetles that resemble this and destroy wood in homes. The larva stage is a worm that eats the wood from the inside.

Drain Fly

Picture of a

Drain Fly.

Drain Flies are called that because they prefer drain scum and other wet organic matter.


Hump-backed Cricket

Picture of a

Hump-backed Cricket.

Associated with moist, dark areas.

Hump Back Cricket

Picture of a

Hump-backed Cricket.

We will add more pictures as we get them.

If you find these bugs inside you may need an inspection to see how much of a problem you may have.

Contact us.


Aacute Pest Control Copyright all pictures and content.